WCW Marketing Production Department

Marketing Production Request Form

Please fill out the form to submit your Marketing Production Request. If your project is due within 24 hours, please fill out this form and then email Amanda Nieves to alert the team to a rush project.
Please use MM/DD/YYYY format
Has this text been routed and approved?
Does this request have a FOIA document component?
Did these documents come from the Research Department (DL)?
All documents that are used online must be processed by Daniel Lopez / Research Department before being used online.
Does this request have other (non-FOIA) documents?
Did these documents come from the Research Department (DL)?
All documents that are used online must be processed by Daniel Lopez / Research Department before being used online.
Is this a request for a WCW logo?
Do you need to logo in color or black & white?
If color, there a specific version of the logo you need?
Does this request have specific (non-logo) images that must be used?
(For logo requests, please see above questions)